IMC23 is FREE! • Nov 11-19

Welcome to the

Independent Music Conference®

Our first-ever all-virtual IMC will take place on zoom, November 11 - 19, 2023

Registration is EASY: Just CLICK HERE to contact the IMC, we will hook you up!


Celebrating 20 Years with FREE registrations for all attendees!

The Independent Music Conference (IMC)® is a Federally Registered Trademark. It is the only national music conference designed specifically for the rapidly growing independent music market. Founded in 2002, the IMC has been presented in cities all over the world including Philadelphia, Dallas, Charleston, Northampton, Los Angeles and Brisbane, AU.

This year the Independent Music Conference® will be a totally virtual event, with awesome workshops spanning nine solid days. All attendees are welcome to attend for FREE! If you want to guarantee your spot in all sessions, you can opt to purchase a VIP registration for only $49. Your support will be greatly appreciated!

IMC23® registrations can be purchased via Venmo. Simply message us and we'll hook you up!

Contact Independent Music Conference